Argue your case/reflections:
Part -1:
1. Your state's sole nuclear power plant is shutting down, and you are attending a hearing on sources of replacement power. Options on the table include building a coal-fired plant or a combined-cycle gas plant. Make your choice and formulate an argument to defend it. (use the book chapters on coal and Nuclear energy as needed)
2. Your friend dismisses either a Carbon tax or Cap-and-trade scheme as just another example of government taking the people's hard-earned money. How do respond?
3. Read the "Energy Extra" (pages 81-82) and share your views on fracking. Fracking a single natural gas well utilizes 20 million liters of water.
In a typical single-family residence, how long this water will last?
4. Evaluate indirect (forest) sequestration, and other direct CO2 sequestration techniques mentioned in the textbook (pages 116-119) in terms of cost etc.
Part -2:
Compare this recent data along with figure 2.5 (page 31 in the textbook), and figure 2.6 (page 32) and write your observations and reflection in one page.

Part -3:
Read the uploaded article "Can japan recapture its solar power?" and the textbook sections 9.3 and 9.4 (pages 236-256) and write 2.5 pages of what you have learned with respect to solar and nuclear energy.
Make sure to cite appropriately (APA or MLA style). Include one separate page of references.
Part -4:
Reflect on the search for new sources of energy that are cheap and abundant! Note the concept of "EROI" and the role of technology in the uploaded article "A rise in the cost of extracting energy will hit productivity". go to the textbook and Relate to the chapter in on fossil fuels (conventional & non-conventional ones like Tar Sands). Do it in two pages.
Here is the link of the full book online:
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