
Your speech analysis paper is an opportunity to show me

Speech Analysis Paper

High school english, but it prefectly. Like an A paper.

Your speech analysis paper is an opportunity to show me that you understand the enduring importance of public speaking outside our class. Your three page paper will include an analysis of the speech's body, the speaker's delivery, and your evaluation of the speech (good, bad, effective, ineffective, etc). However, I am uninterested in your evaluation of the speech - I'm interested in your rationale as to why you have evaluated the speech in the way you have. Your paper must be more than 3 full pages of writing, with one inch margins, 12 point font, and only your name and the time our class meets at the top of the first page.

When you use a concept from the course for the first time, please bold the term. For example, if you wanted to write a paragraph about how the speaker's use of credible sources, bold the words "credible sources" on its first use. Once you introduce the term, provide evidence in the form of how exactly the speaker used these credible sources effectively or ineffectively. I recommend that you use at least two concepts per page and that each concept is introduced with numerous examples, substantiating the term's presence in your paper.

Your paper will be graded based upon depth of analysis, how well your opinions are written, argued, and supported, detail, grammar, and whether all directions were followed.

Your paper may focus on any one of the following speeches:

Mia Birdsong -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0oPnS7rUwE

Tim Wise -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3Xe1kX7Wsc

Bernie Sanders -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5ZB8Lg1tcA

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie --


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