
your shell must accept commands from the user the

Your shell must accept commands from the user. The first step to implement this will be reading a line of input. This section will focus on what to do with the line of input after it is read. A command will consist of the name or path to the command, followed by zero or more arguments separated by white spaces. For this assignment, we will define white space as one or more space characters. Here is an example of a command with arguments:

l s  - a l

In this argument _ls_ will be the command and _-al_ is the first and only argument. To allow proper formatting the commands, we will put these commands into an array of char*. So, the first element of the array should be _ls_, and the second element should be _-al_. To parse the commands, we suggest using the strtok function from string.h. You can use just a space (" ") as the lone delimiter. Remember to consider the case where the user does not enter any command and hits the enter key. Your shell should simply print the prompt again on a new line.

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Computer Engineering: your shell must accept commands from the user the
Reference No:- TGS0221928

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