
Your purpose the purpose of this memo is to ask permission

Purpose: To write a professional memo on a given topic.

Directions:  Write a memo for one of the scenarios listed below. You will need to think of the name of a company you might be working for in a few years.  You are a mid-level manager, teacher, or administrator. Try to pick a prompt that relates to your future goals.  

Your Purpose: The purpose of this memo is to ask permission to take professional leave for a certain reason. The reasons will vary according to the prompt that you choose.

Your Readers: The primary reader will be your direct supervisor who will be accepting or rejecting your request.

Context of Use: This memo will be delivered via inter-office mail or attached to an email. You can decide.

The Form:  You must use a memo template that you created in Word with your company logo. How to create this document is explained in this module.

You need to write a memo  to your supervisor stating you will be out of town two days next week and three days the following week for one of the following reasons:

  1. to inspect some complaints that your company has received
  2. to look at a new shop location, 250 miles away, for a branch your company is thinking about opening
  3. to attend a conference or in-service training that will help you in your job
  4. to make customer courtesy calls on patrons 300+ miles away from your company


  • In your memo, be specific about dates, places, times, and reasons.
  •  You need at least three paragraphs in this memo.

INTRODUCTION Your introductory paragraph should be more than one sentence. You should give the reader necessary background information and a clear purpose statement.

BODY The middle paragraph(s) should have at least 5-10 sentences. These sentences should provide your supporting details. You need to be clear and concise but at the same time convincing and persuasive.

CONCLUSION Your last paragraph should be more than one sentence. It should sum up the main points and let the reader know what you expect him or her to do.

  • Keep the memo concise and to the point.
  • Remember to introduce the reason for your memo!
  • You may use organizational tools, like bullets or numbered lists.
  • Use a short thank you to conclude the memo and offer your contact info.

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Business Management: Your purpose the purpose of this memo is to ask permission
Reference No:- TGS02234112

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