Your proposal does not meet the ethical standards of the

Compensation:- your idea

Details : There are three big issues here:

1. Currently, your proposal does not meet the ethical standards of the Engineering dept. or the university.

Any claim, a statement on the status of something such as teachers cannot adequately teach STEM, requires a reference.

In addition, any information or statistic that is not yours, needs to be referenced as well.

Do not work off assumptions or general statements without references. It is not acceptable.

2. Much of your information is redundant. Your Executive Summary is not comprehensive.

After reading just that, I should be able to know exactly what your project is and what it accomplishes and how well.

3. You describe an "original system" but fail to clarify what that is exactly. What is the original system your discuss?

Attachment:- ethical standards.rar

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Business Law and Ethics: Your proposal does not meet the ethical standards of the
Reference No:- TGS01545283

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