Write a preliminary research proposal on a research problem or issue within your chosen topic. This is an individual assignment. You must acknowledge sources of all ideas, facts, quotations and other material using the Harvard system of referencing.
Your preliminary research proposal should include all the components of a valid research proposal under different sections and should demonstrate that you are capable of handling this proposal towards a successful completion of your dissertation. It must be word processed and presented as follows:
· Maximum 1,500 words. The word count excludes the references and should be shown at the end of the preliminary research proposal (before the list of references)
· The left-hand margin should be 4 cm and all other margins 2.5 cm.
· Font Times Roman 12 or similar
· 1.5 line spacing
· Paragraphs should not be indented. They should be separated by a line space
· Name and ID in the header and page number in the footer
· Complete the preliminary research proposal 5front sheet (available on StudySpace) and secure front sheet and all pages with one staple in the top left corner (no binding, plastic envelope or cover please).