
Your paper will include a clear thesis which will explain

Research Paper Assignent

Terri Hasseler


Times New Roman
12 or 11 point
1" margins
Left Justified
6-7 pages in length for text; Works Cited being either page 6 or 7.
Headers, last name and page # upper right (begin on second page)

All quotations cited in MLA format.

Assignment: Thesis-driven assignment.

In this assignment, you will be formulating a thesis about the text, The Handmaid's Tale, which illuminates your reading of the text. You will need to refer to at least two theorists (one must be Cooper or Finigan). The main argument or focus of your paper will be Atwood's novel.

Your paper will include a clear thesis, which will explain your argument and its connection to a theoreticalreading of the text. The paper should be broken into clear paragraphs that demonstrate and discuss the connection between your reading and the literary critical perspective(s). Make sure to organize by your ideas.

Use concrete and specific detail to illustrate and explain your conclusions. Remember that your interpretations are essential, so make sure that you interpret clearly any quotes or evidence you provide. And remember that your use of the theory is an essential component of this assignment.

Theorists you must include can be drawn from the following: Toni Morrison (introduction), John Patrick Shanley (introduction), Pamela Cooper, and Theo Finigan. One must be either Cooper or Finigan.

Other theorists you can refer to as have been used in class discussion include, Julia Kristeva (abject), Michel Foucault (power/panopticon), Marx (alienation of labor), de Certeau (tactics/strategies/acts of resistance), and any others that come up in conversation.

Refrain from use of outside sources. (An exception might be if you need to explain a historical moment or an environmental context.) All evidence and support should be drawn from the readings that you have been provided.

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