Case Studies/Clinical Method
For this exercise you are to read pages 36-45 and consider the advantages and disadvantages of each research method.
Paper Expectations
- While many of you may not have experience writing in APA format, it is a college level writing requirement. In a typical 12 week course I teach students how to write in APA format, since your course is accelerated, you have my YouTube Crash Course Version of Writing the Academic Paper in APA. I expect everyone to view this video and follow this format in all of your written assignments.
- Your paper should have 1 inch margins, be double spaced, and use New Times Roman 12 point font. Please include your name and assignment on a cover page (this does not count toward page count). Please use MS Word to save your paper. This is on all the Keiser computers if you do not have it on your home computer.
- You will need to submit this paper via Blackboard dropbox (see below for instructions) by MONDAY AT 1159PM !!!! Papers received after midnight will be considered late and can lose up to 10 points off the grade.
- Your file name MUST included your last name in title. An example of a proper file name - Smith_CaseStudy