
Your new hr manager a recent university graduate pushes the



Your new HR manager, a recent university graduate, pushes the company to use the Social Security Administration's social security number verification service for not only new hires, but all current employees. Direct supervisors always photocopy social security cards on hiring, so you really don't think you have a problem with illegal workers. This would be an added process and could potentially slow hiring. You are routinely understaffed and are pressed with a tight deadline. However, you reluctantly agree to process the most recent 10 hires. You are surprised that everyone comes back as a mismatch between the social security number and employee name.  You have completed all possible research (including talking to each employee individually) and confirmed the report is correct and that these social security numbers do not belong to these employees and it isn't a paperwork mix-up.


1. Classify the ethical issue (from the lists in chapter 3) and develop a complete decision/response about what you will do to resolve this issue. Do not defer the responsibility for decision making onto anyone else or give a trite, investigate more type of answer.  This is not a trick question, there is no acceptable way for your company to wiggle out of the issue so don't even try.

2. Then describe how your decision/response aligns with or sacrifices your mission, CSR, and corporate culture.

3. Which moral philosophy is best represented by your decision/response (Egoism, Utilitarianism, Deontology, Relativism, Virtue, Justice)? Explain your reasoning for your choice.

4. Discuss the implications of your decision/response for every stakeholder group. Yes both primary and secondary - each one specifically. Not a general lumping together.

5. Create a plan to reduce the opportunities for future related issues.

6. Prepare a formal company response (i.e. press release, memo, etc.).

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Business Management: Your new hr manager a recent university graduate pushes the
Reference No:- TGS02250260

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