
Your netlab workstation then ssh to servercnt1015local with

Anyone good with Linux Operating System?

your netlab workstation then ssh to server.cnt1015.local with your college username (the account you used for the quizes).
Create a directory called final in your home directory.
Inside final create directories called backup, main, SysInfo, & files
Inside the main directory create a file called boot.both which contains a recursive listing of all the files and directories inside the directory /boot and includes any error messages.

Copy the script snooze from /home/stuff, put it in your main directory.

Run snooze.

While it is running:
Put it into the background in a suspended state.
Run the command which shows which jobs are running in the background, putting the output in a file called sleepingjobs in your main directory.
Return snooze to the foreground and let it finish running.

Copy only the files with an "s" and a "p" adjacent regardless of case (i.e sp , SP, sP, or Sp) to the directory files from the directory /usr/share/system-config-printer

Create a file called userinfo in backup.
On the first line put the home directory of the user games.
On the second line put the login shell of the user root.
On the third line put the members of the group wheel seperated only by a comma.

Set permissions on the file userinfo so that it is owned by the group cnt1015.

Inside the backup directory create a recursive copy of the /usr/share/doc/HTML directory

Create an alias called now which shows the date & time as YYYY/MM,DD-HH:MM (ex: 2014/10,16-18:50) making sure the alias survives a re-login.

Perform a recursive long listing on /boot redirecting stdout to a file called ls.out in the main directory and redirecting stderr to a file called ls.err in the main directory.

Create a file called num.lines in your main directory which has the numbers of lines in the file /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

Search for the term audio in the file /etc/httpd/conf/magic, sending the results to a file called magic.audio in main.

Create a file called if.info in the SysInfo directory which contains the network information on the eth0 network device and only the information for that device.

Find the IP address of the server spam.cnt1015.local and put it in the file spam.ip under the main directory.

Capture your routing table information into the file routeinfo in the SysInfo directory.

Find the secondary DNS server address and put it in a file called nameserver2 in the SysInfo directory.

Capture the output of the command that tests ICMP availability for the IP address three times and put that output in a file called nettest under the main directory.

Make a script called hello, in the main directory.
Set permissions so you can read, edit and run but the group and others only have read permissions.
The scrip needs to take a name passed into it.
The output from the script should be:


You are logged in as yyyyyyy.
Where XXXXXX is a name you passed in and yyyyyy is the username you are logged in as"


Hello Sean.

You are logged in as scpayne.

Run the script you created in step 18 and capture the output to a file called hello.out in the main directory.

Determine which users are logged into the system and capture it to a file called notify in the main directory.

Determine how many regular users exist on the system and put that number in a file called numusers in the main directory.

Determine the percentage of used space, in human readable format, in /boot and put that in a file called usedspace under the main directory. ( ie, if the used space is 30%, just have 30% in in the file.)

Make a hidden directory in your backup directory called hiddenbackups that only your user has permissions to access.

Get a list of all users with a UID between 400-499, sort it numberically in reverse order on the GID field putting the result in a file called sortedusers in your main directory.

Make a file called groups.6-10, in the main directory, containing the 6th - 10th groups (lines 6-10) found in /etc/group.

EXTRA CREDIT (10 points)

Make a script called info.sh, in the main directory.
Set permissions so you can read, edit and run but the group and others only have read permissions.
If you pass in a 1, it will tell you the date using YYYY-MM-DD (ie 2013-07-30).
If you pass in a 2, it will tell you the time (ie HH:MM:SS).
If you pass in a 3, it will tell you the date & time (2013-07-29--09:31:01).
If you pass don't pass anything in or you pass in something other than 1,2,or 3 it will tell you you need to pass in 1-3.


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Operating System: Your netlab workstation then ssh to servercnt1015local with
Reference No:- TGS01058570

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