Design a workbook named semester_LastNameFirstName to help you track your previous semester courses and GPA.
- Your name should list in cell A1 in an enlarged font size with a new font name merged and centered across all columns used.
- Display in a labelled cell the current GPA.
- Include column headings for the course name, course credit hours, letter grade, numerical grade, and quality points.
- Format the column headings row with a border and each entry boldfaced and center-aligned in its cell.
- Include at least three rows of data so make up courses if need be.
- Create a lookup table somewhere on the sheet listing the letter grades and their numerical equivalent using data shown below.
- Use the VLOOKUP function to compute the numerical grade for each course based upon the letter grade.
- Compute quality points as credit hours times the numerical grade (ex. B+ grade on a 4 credit course yields 3.33 * 4 = 13.32 quality points).
- Under the rows compute the sum of credit hours and the sum of quality points.
- Somewhere on the sheet display the semester GPA computed as sum of quality points divided by the sum of credit hours.
- Use an IF function to display a message whether this semester you increased or decreased GPA from the current GPA listed on top of the sheet.
- Use two decimal places on all GPA-related values.
- Rename Sheet1 appropriately and delete unused sheets.
- Your workbook must be unique and reflect your own data and design.
Letter grades use the following numerical values:
A = 4.00 A- = 3.67 B+ = 3.33 B = 3.00 B- = 2.67 C+ = 2.33 C = 2.00 C- = 1.67 D+ = 1.33 D = 1.00 D- = 0.67 F = 0.00
I took six classes last semester. Bua 202 (A), Cmj 314 (A), Cmj 483 (A), Bua 325 (B+), Bua 270 (B-). Ast 110 (C-), only Ast is one credits the rests are 3 credits hour class.