
Your job is to complete a number of practical tasks to

Advanced Web Scripting - Practical Assessment

Background / Requirements

Parkfordshire University has a timetabling system which allows for the production of personalised timetables, based on the modules each student is taking as part of their course. PU are keen to develop their system to allow students to choose the times to attend classes where a particular session runs more than one once.

Your job is to complete a number of practical tasks to implement a client-side front-end that will implement the desired functionality. A number of resources are available to help you complete these tasks, all of which are described below.

In addition, you must complete the design commentary task by describing key design decisions and features of your code.

To assist you in your development, PU have provided:
- a sample timetable display page created using HTML and CSS
- a default timetable in the form of JSON data to show how information can be accessed
- a remote service that will provide personalised timetable data for individual students
- a remote service for accepting proposed timetable choices

These resources are available on StudyNet along with the assignment briefing. You are free to use or change these resources as you wish in order to complete the tasks outlined below.

Development Tasks

To complete this assignment, you need to undertake each of the following practical tasks. The assessment of your work is described in the next section.

Practical Task 1: Display timetable information

Create a web page that will display a student's individual timetable using the sample timetable data (contained in sample.js). The user view could be in the form of a "week at a view" layout as shown in the sample timetable display (sample.html) - although you are free to create your own alternative design if you prefer.

The display should:
- Show all the scheduled contact sessions for the sample timetable data
- For each session, show the
o type of teaching (e.g. lecture, tutorial, practical)
o location, start and end time
o module code and group id

Practical Task 2: Dynamically populate content

Create a web page that will display a student's individual timetable, based on data retrieved from an external service.

The display should:
- Allow a user to enter their UH email and SRN for authentication purposes
- Retrieve the personalised timetable for the specified student
- Show all the scheduled contact sessions for a student's modules, as per task 1
- Show which sessions in a module are repeated at alternative times, as shown by the data returned from the service.

You are free to restructure the data returned by the service as required.

Practical Task 3: Allow choice of sessions

Create a web page that will allow users to choose between alternative times for sessions that run more than once, i.e. have multiple occurrences.

The display should:
- Allow a user to select a multi-occurrence session
- Highlight alternative choices for the selected session
- Allow the user to select an alternative session
- Highlight any clashes with other sessions occurring at that time

Practical Task 4: Upload session choices

Create a web page that will allow users to upload and register their choices for multi-occurrence sessions on their timetable.

The display should:
- Check there are no clashes with two or more timetabled sessions chosen for the same time
- Provide an option to register their choices if and only if no clashes are present
- Upload the data
- Show the upload has been successful

Task 5: Design Commentary

Write a commentary describing the decisions you have made in designing and writing the code for each of the practical tasks. The commentary should be approximately 600 words in length in total.

You are free to structure your commentary in any way you wish. The content will be assessed according to the criteria identified below.

Submission Requirements

All the code required for the practical tasks should be submitted as a single zip file. You may choose to submit:

- EITHER four separate pages - called task1.html, task2.html etc - where each page implements the requirements for one of the tasks
- OR one single page that implements the requirements for all four practical tasks

Your web page(s) should link to supporting files, e.g. script or stylesheets, with a local reference that will work when all the files are unzipped into a new directory.

Your design commentary should be submitted as either a Microsoft Word document or Adobe PDF file.

Your submission should NOT include your name, either in file names or in your written commentary, so that the University's anonymous marking policy can be applied.

Service Details

Task 2

A service is available at https://homepages.herts.ac.uk/~comqgrs/ads/timetable.php for you to use for task 2. If you visit this page you will see information on how to call the service.

This service returns a more detailed JSON timetable compared to the sample (with a very small element of personalisation) to allow for a better test of the functionality required for task 3. This data will return pure JSON, without any padding.

A test page called timetableDataServiceTest.html is provided to check that you can access this service from your working environment.

If you wish to get a padded version of the JSON data, use the service available
at https://homepages.herts.ac.uk/~comqgrs/ads/timetable+JSONP.php. As before, if you visit this page you will see information on how to call the service to get the padding you require.

Task 4

A service is available at https://homepages.herts.ac.uk/~comqgrs/ads/submitChoices.php for you to use for task 4. If you visit this page in your browser, you will see information on how to call the service. However, if you read the information about the service you will see you need to send a POST request to actually upload the information you wish to use.

A test page called timetableUploadServiceTest.html is provided to check that you can access this service from your working environment.

The way you structure the data you upload for task 4 is entirely your choice but it should be uploaded as text. Your text could be structured as a

- paragraph or sentence of text
- a string of characters or comma separated values
- a JavaScript array
- a JSON object

... or something else entirely different. However, the data does need to include a list of choices the user has made in Task 3 for the sessions they wish to attend. It would also be useful if your data included the student details. For the sake of testing purposes it wold be useful if they match your email and SRN but this is not mandatory.

Attachment:- Time Table.rar

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Computer Engineering: Your job is to complete a number of practical tasks to
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