
Your initial answer to the question should be between 250 -

Your initial answer to the question should be between 250 - 300 words long. Include references and citations where necessary to ensure proper credit and documentation of your sources. You are welcome to include references in addition to the course textbook, just ensure that you use proper documentation. 

Pick two themes from list  and describe thoroughly the history associated with the themes in your forum initial post-(Remember- every topic  listed in each theme is required to be discussed in your post..so if you pick themes 2 and 10 then your post should have a paragraph of information on each item - cowboys, Indian wars, the wild west, Jim Crow, KKK, Nativism and the NAACP)  

Do not forget to cite and reference your facts. 

Themes from the years 1877-1918

  1. Manifest Destiny- Sea to shining Sea
  2. Cowboys, Indian wars and the wild west
  3. Assimilation, Reservation and Boarding Schools
  4. Industrialization, Rise of Corporations and Big Business
  5. Immigration, Unionization and Labor laws
  6. City Culture, Urban Machine and Hull House
  7. Higher Education, Football and Baseball
  8. Feminism, Modernism and Progressiveness
  9. Darwinism and evolution
  10. Jim Crow, KKK,  Nativism, NAACP

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History: Your initial answer to the question should be between 250 -
Reference No:- TGS02217089

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