1. Your firm has total assets of $4,900, fixed assets of $3,200, long-term debt of $2,900, and short-term debt of $1,400. What is the amount of net working capital?
2. Given the tax rates as shown, what is the average tax rate for a firm with taxable income of $311,360?
Taxable Income Tax Rate
$0-50,000 15%
50,001-75,000 25%
75,001-100,000 34%
100,001-335,000 39%
3. The Adelson's Electric had operating cash flow of $48,450. Depreciation was $6,700 and interest paid was $2,480. The firm borrowed $5,000 on long-term debt. The firm spent $24,000 on fixed assets and increased net working capital by $1,330. What is the amount of the cash flow to stockholders?