Based on the scenario below, write a 4 – 5 page, typed, double spaced paper.
Your firm has just acquired a smaller local competitor. While they did not have a large market share, they did have cutting edge technologies and some employees that were considered among the best in the industry. Your firm is much larger and run more traditionally. Functional activities are more structured and you have a defined chain of command. The firm being acquired is known for its entrepreneurial atmosphere and informal structures. You have been assigned to coordinate the integration of this company into your firm. The management of your firm has the following concerns:
Can key employees from the acquired firm be retained? If so, what means should be used?
Some downsizing needs to occur at both firms – how do we handle that situation and what would the timeline look like?
The acquired firm has different pay structures and benefits. Some of their employees would seem overcompensated and some undercompensated relative to their duties and prevailing market wages. How do we transition them to our pay / benefit system and over what timeframe?
The two firms have different cultures – how do we incorporate the best elements of their culture into ours with minimal disruption to our firm and the way we do business?
Devise a change strategy that will assist in the successful integration of the two firms. One of the models detailed in 8.1 and 8.2 in the text are a good format to follow or you can devise your own. Ensure you answer the following questions:
What change image will you use and why do you think it is appropriate?
How you will diagnose what needs to change and what does not?
What level of involvement will be required of each organization? Will any individuals need to be more involved than others?
What resistance do you expect? How will you overcome?
How will you communicate the changes?
How will you determine success?