
Your final prospectus project is due in module 7

Assignment 3: Prospectus Project Task IX

Draft of Procedures

Your final prospectus project is due in Module 7. Considering the multivariate analysis design you plan to use in your prospectus, turn in a two- to three-page draft of the following section:

• Procedures

In general, this section should provide a clear description of the activities of your study so that it can be replicated.

Prepare the draft in Microsoft Word.

Name the file R7034_M5_A3_LastName_FirstInitial.doc and submit it to the

Submissions Area by the due date assigned.

Note: This draft submission will not be graded. However, your facilitator will provide you with feedback on your drafts. Incorporate the feedback into your final prospectus before you submit it in Module 7.

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Dissertation: Your final prospectus project is due in module 7
Reference No:- TGS02806617

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