
Your essay must first describe the historical and

"This exercise is about tracing the "origins" of the clothes and shoes you wear and about asking "Why?" The cost of labor...is important, but it certainly isn't the only factor in determining where garments and shoes are made" (Domosh et al. 2013: 345).

Your essay must first describe the historical and contemporary patterns of trade in primary and secondary production related to the garments industry (see textbook and PPT files for details), and their spatial distribution, in your own words. Then you will discuss the most important characteristics of the garments industry including its evolution and current state. A summary of these facts can be found in this exercise's powerpoint presentation as well.

As it is mention in the textbook by Domosh et al.: "... the textile and garments industries have historically been very footloose, able to move production facilities to locations that suit manufacturers, often because of the low cost of labor. In today's global world, that tendency is even more pronounced, with manufacturers of clothing and other garment-related materials outsourcing many aspects of production and often subcontracting with other companies to complete different tasks in different parts of the world" (Domosh et al. 2013: 345).

Any geographically-based study must answer three broad questions: Where? Why? (and How?), and, So what? (or, in other words, why is this important?) For example, where are the garments you selected to compose this exercise where made and where are the headquarters of these companies located? Why are these items made in these countries? What are the similarities of the countries were these garments are produced and those where the company headquarters are located? What are the differences?

In answering to the "So what?" question (why is this important?) you must use the information you have included in the first two sections (Where? and Why?). This is an overview of the principles characterisitcs of today's garment industry and must include a conclusion's paragraph of your analysis.

While answering these questions, you must also consider each of the locational factors mentioned in the course textbook and the corresponding PPT (i.e., labor, markets, state policies, consumer trends), and try to generalize the why of what you wear. Finally, you must make a lengthy reflection about your role as a consumer of this industry. Here you must make a reflection on the trends of this industry and how your preferences may have an impact its production and trade.

This essay should be at-least 600 words in length. You must also demonstrate knowledge of the topic using key definitions related to this topic (i.e., the Industrial Revolution, deindustrialization, offshoring, outsourcing, globalization, etc.). In addition, it is required to include at-least one additional reference (textbook or other reputable source) in the essay portion of your work that relates to this topic making a proper citation in your essay. You must also include this reference in a separate page (Bibliography/Reference), making a full citation of this source. Making a notation of your essay but not including it on your bibliography, or the other way around, makes this source invalid; hence, it will not count. Note that this portion (including an external source) corresponds to 5% of the final grade of this assignment.

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Dissertation: Your essay must first describe the historical and
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