Objectives Your company is currently planning to automate many different system administration tasks. Your manager has asked you to research a system administration task and implement it using VBScript.
In addition, your manager would like to see both a proposal that describes the system administration task and a complete VBScript solution with sample output runs.
In today's technical environment, IT professionals often are dislocated from their managers and peers, however, it is important to retain strong communication channels using technology.
Some workers work alone (telecommuters) while some may be on a team (virtual teams). Regardless of the modality, being able to get information to the right people is key.
To simulate this requirement, you will also be asked to create virtual presentations for your manager (instructor) using VoiceThread. You will also be asked to critique and question your fellow students by reviewing at least two presentations in weeks 3, 6, and 7.
Guidelines During the first 6 weeks of this course, you will be introduced to a variety of topics in VBScript. These topics include the following.
1. VBScript Introduction: Variables, Constants, and Data Types
2. VBScript Output Methods, VBScript Input Methods
3. VBScript Decision-Making Statements
4. VBScript Loop Structures and Arrays
5. VBScript Procedures and Functions
6. VBScript File Input/Output Methods
The Course Project is worth and is comprised of the following deliverables.
1.Week 3: Outline
2.Week 6: Complete proposal
The following is a list of guidelines for your Course Project, due in Week 6.
• The complete proposal should include the following.
1. Introduction
2. Description of program (script)
3. Source Code with detailed comments 4. Source Code should contain a minimum 5 out of 6 topics learned during this session.
5. Explain the output along with screenshots of the output
6. Conclusion
• All DeVry University policies are in effect, including the plagiarism policy.
• Use each week's lecture, reading assignments, labs, and discussions as guidance and supporting information for your proposal.
• APA formatting is required for your proposal.
• The proposal shall be your individual and original work. This is not a team project.
• The proposal is intended to be a professional document.
• Questions concerning the paper may be discussed in the Course Q & A Forum under the Introduction & Resources area.Weeks 1-2 Although you do not have a deliverable due these weeks, it is advised that you acquaint yourself with the Course Project.
Post any questions to the Course Q & A Forum under the Introduction & Resources area. Week 3 Your outline is due and is worth 50 points. Submit your assignment. Please read the Week 3 Outline Rubric to understand how your outline will be graded.
Post any questions in the Course Q & A Forum under the Introduction & Resources area. Weeks 4-5 There are no deliverables due these weeks, but you should continue working on your paper. Post questions in the Course Q & A Forum under the Introduction & Resources area.
Week 6 Your final proposal is due and is worth 60 points. Submit your assignment. Please read the Week 6 Proposal Rubric to understand how your paper will be graded.
This is basically everything except the working program. You must also create a VoiceThread presentation to solicit feedback from your instructor and fellow students (see VoiceThread section below). Week 7 Your final project is due and is worth 100 points. Submit your assignment.
This submission includes changes to the Week 6 proposal, and in addition, all the working code and screenshots. You must also create a VoiceThread presentation detailing the final deliverable. VoiceThreads Week 3 Create a Voice Thread presentation using a presentation tool such as PowerPoint along with voice and/or video narration to explain your early proposal ideas using the outline provided above.
This presentation should be about five minutes long. In addition, you should watch at least two other presentations and provide constructive feedback or ask questions of the author.
Week 6 Create a Voice Thread presentation using a presentation tool such as PowerPoint along with voice and/or video narration to explain your final proposal using the outline provided above.
This presentation should be about five minutes long and should contain details on the type of program being written and any other technology such as a database.
In addition, you should watch at least two other presentations and provide constructive feedback or ask questions of the author.
Week 7 Create a Voice Thread presentation using a presentation tool such as PowerPoint along with voice and/or video narration to explain the script that you have written. A demonstration would be in order. This presentation should be about five minutes long.
In addition, you should watch at least two other presentations and provide constructive feedback or ask questions of the author.