
Your assignment is to write a comment as if you were

West Lake Landfill Assignment

The EPA is requesting comments from the Public about their proposed plan for remediation of the radioactive wastes at the West Lake Landfill Superfund site until April 23rd, 2018. In particular, they are interested in comments about the depth and concentration of radionucleotides used as criteria in Alternative 4, which is the EPA's preferred Alternative.

Your assignment is to write a comment as if you were sending a comment in to the EPA. The EPA is accepting comments either as an email or through their online form, so I am asking you to write your comments as you would a formal email (i.e., with Greetings, the body of the email and then salutations at the end). For the assignment, you will write a 250 - 500 word paper, typed in 12 point font. This is the equivalent of ½ to 1 page, single-spaced. This is a guideline. Your paper should not be shorter, but it is ok for it to be longer if you have a lot to say.

Your comment should include -

A bit of information about yourself, mention this class if you like, and why you care aboutWestlake Landfill.

A clear statement of your opinion of your support or opposition to Alternative 4, and your reasons why.

Comments about the depth and concentration for excavation as outlined in Alternative 4.

If you wish to add additional information, then go for it.

Check out pages 27 and 29 of the proposed plan. Page 27 gives a description of the types of comments the EPA is particularly looking for (though they will accept any comments about the proposal). Page 29 is an overview comparing all of the Alternatives described in the plan.

While submitting your comment to the EPA is not a requirement of the assignment, I encourage you to do so.

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Dissertation: Your assignment is to write a comment as if you were
Reference No:- TGS02751226

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