
Your assignment is to search professional organizations


Becoming a Professional in the Field/Write a Letter Seeking Employment

Networking will be very important in your career. If you choose a career in Physical Education, Exercise Science, or Sport you certainly will need to be familiar with professional organizations. You will probably find that on each organization's website is a listing of jobs.

Your assignment is to search professional organizations' websites and write a professional business letter to a company as you search for employment. Some professional organizations are SHAPE (Society of Health and Physical Educators, formerly AAHPERD, or the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance), American Council on Exercise, National Strength and Conditioning Association, etc.

The first page of your paper should list 6-8 organizations (at least two organizations for each area Physical Education, Exercise Science, Sport). For each organization, list their website, the function of the organization, and 3 sources of employment opportunities.

Next, choose one job opening of your interest and write a letter seeking employment. You will submit a draft of the letter during the semester, which will receive feedback, prior to the actual assignment due date.

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Business Management: Your assignment is to search professional organizations
Reference No:- TGS02256715

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