Your assignment is to read the research paper titled, A Study of the Impact of Three Leadership Styles on Integrity Violations Committed by Police (week 10 Folder). You are then to write a reaction paper on this article of at least 5 pages and no more than 6. This assignment is due Saturday, July 8, at 6 PM. Please upload in this folder. Late submissions will not be accepted.
Tips for Writing A Good Reaction Paper
- Read the given article carefully.
- Think about 1 or 2 major points you want to articulate in your reaction paper.
- Describe your point first ("Lessons Learned," "What you agreed on..." or "What you disagreed on...")
- Justify why you think that way.
- Provide one or two real-world example(s) - You may use any example you are familiar with, including ones we discuss in class or ones from the textbook. However, please do not assume that I know what you are talking about when you just mention a name (e.g. Enron or Wal-Mart). Provide sufficient background information and how your example(s) support your argument.
- Provide how your point relates to the topic of the article.
Desirable Formats
- Follow step 3 - 6 to make each point clearly (make 1 - 2 major points per each reaction paper)
- After you finish articulating all the points, have a conclusive statement at the end.
- Provide proper APA formatting, including citations and references
- Your paper must be at least 5 pages and no more than 6.
- Please proofread your reaction paper carefully to avoid any grammatical mistakes or typos.
What Not To Do
- Just summarize what you read (I want to see your professional opinions - not a summary)
- No evidence to back up your point (e.g. no examples)
- Provide random examples without making careful effort to relate to your point
Remember! Provide appropriate examples to support each argument and insights about how it relates to Ethics and Leadership.