Your assignment is to prepare an annotated bibliography using APA style on the following topics:
1. Marketing environment
2. Branding
3. Pricing
4. Marketing communications
5. Marketing channels
6. Competitor analysis
7. Customer behavior
8. Social media and digital marketing
The assignment has the following two parts:
1. The list of sources used.
2. The annotation for each source. In the assignment you submit, the annotation for each source should follow the current APA style.
Your list of sources must contain ten sources of information on the given subjects to include the following:
One book
Four articles
Two scholarly articles
Three contemporary and practical business journal articles
The annotation for each source has two parts:
1. A short summary of 1-3 sentences of the information found in the source.
2. An evaluation of the source's credibility, reliability, currency, possible bias, and usefulness with respect to the given topic