
Your assignment is to create the drunken calculator this

Programming Assignment: "Drunken" Calculator

Your assignment is to create the drunken calculator. This calculator has been on the sauce for a bit too long and has some trouble remembering things at times, but can still do his operations correctly. For this assignment, we will only be covering the basic mathematical operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division. See the full write up and sample output for more details below.

Must Haves:

1. Comments: Both at the top of the program that include your name, class, section, date, and a short description of the program and what it does and in-line comments at any point you feel is necessary.

2. Good Writing Style: Remember the programming style notes and tips we took during class? Put them into practice here with proper indentations, spacing, line breaks, etc.

3. Make sure to name your class DrunkenCalculator.

4. The calculator does "forget" one user input, but you must still take in two. Which you forget is up to you.

5. You must make use of the Math.random() function to generate the second "forgotten" input. We looked at how to use the API, all functions are now fair game. I said the calculator is forgetful, so he just comes up with a random number between 0 and 90 for the replacement.

6. Use of the if, else if, else statements to take care of all the cases of input. Assign each operation a number (For example "for addition enter a 1") and that should make it easier for the boolean tests we have gone over.

7. Include a case for doing nothing and just exiting, this shouldn't be within your "catch all".

8. Your program doesn't have to repeat operation, it can just terminate after one operation for this assignment.


Submit ONLY your .java file on Moodle to the assignment when you are completely finished.

Make sure your program compiles and runs to completion on all operations before submitting it. If you have any questions before submission, please ask in class or in email to me.

Sample Output:

Program Start(Note the colored numbers are input from the user):
Woold you like to calcumulate somethin? *hic*
Enter a 1 for additon, 2 for subtraction, 3 for multiplication, 4 for division, or 0 to leave: 1
Whaaat too numbersssss would you like to add? Lemme have the first number now. 52
WHOA slow down, a 52 what's the other one? 10
Alrighty! Then your answer is... umm... 60! Cause your first number was 52 and your second number was 8.
What do you mean tha second numbers not right? I'm the calculator here an you told it to meh! Get out!

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JAVA Programming: Your assignment is to create the drunken calculator this
Reference No:- TGS02485143

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