
Your annotated bibliography must have 8 sources please go

Your Annotated Bibliography must have 8 sources. Please go back to the prompt for the unit, located under "files" to refer to the guidelines for how many peer-reviewed/ scholarly, popular, hard-copy sources you must have as a minimum. Having 8 sources allows you to have a couple sources which don't end up working well for your argument. Make sure that you also have at least 2 sources which seem to take an alternative approach or indicate an opposing answer to your research question than the majority of the others.

Analysis Process Assignment Consists of 4 Parts for each source and a 5th step to Synthesize and Analyze them all together.

The Annotated Bibliography will consist of the following for 8 sources:

1. Cite the source using MLA format. (Someone in class asked if it is acceptable to use an online citation generator such as Easybib- it is ok to start from here in order to organize the pieces, but always double-check the accuracy with your McGraw Hill Handbook or Purdue OWL because these generators frequently make mistakes.)

2. Below the citation include a two paragraph summary of the source.

3. In sentence format, rate the source on a scale of 1( not helpful to answering your research question) to 5 (very helpful) and another 2-3 sentences answering these questions " Why is this a good source for/ how does it relate to my research question? Does this source help me to determine an arguable point within the research?"

4. Followed by 2-3 quotes, in MLA format, for each source including information which you would like to use in your paper. You may intend to direct-quote or to summarize or paraphrase the information in these quotes.

The 5th step applies to all sources together.

5. After annotating all your sources, go back through and determine what the majority of the sources seem to indicate is the answer to your research question. At the bottom of the page include.

A. Your research question: Who is affected/ what is the problem/ why is it important?

B. 1-2 paragraphs to synthesize what all the research says together (still only the facts but look for relationships based on agreement and disagreement)

C. 1-2 paragraphs on what you think the research seems to indicate is the answer (make sure to note any research which seems to disagree with the majority which supports your interpretation.)

D. Your idea of a possible arguable stance regarding the topic.This would be the answer to your research question, and the basis for your thesis.

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Dissertation: Your annotated bibliography must have 8 sources please go
Reference No:- TGS01404791

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