Youngs modulus of elasticity

Q1. A material which consists of a Young’s modulus of elasticity of 250 GN m2 and a poisons ratio of 0.32, compute:

a) The bulk modulus of material.

b) The shear modulus of material.


a) Explain the methods of categorizing polymeric materials.

b) Differentiate between addition and condensation polymerization and give specific illustrations of polymers synthesized by each method.


a) Mention the two necessary constituent elements of the plain carbon steel?

b) What do you mean by cementite?

c) Illustrate the values of hardness for the ferrite and cementite. State your answers in the units of Brinell hardness number. Give some references for the sources of your answers.

d) How are the given properties of iron affected if carbon is alloyed with it?

Describe your answer with reference to the microstructure of the steel.

  • Hardness
  • Strength
  • Ductility

e) What percentage of carbon generates the strongest plain carbon steel?

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Physics: Youngs modulus of elasticity
Reference No:- TGS09880

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In this solution, bulk modulus of the material and shear modulus of the material are calculated. In second part polymers are categorized based on the methods and addition and condensation polymerization is differentiated. In third and last part terms like hardness, strength and ductility are explained along with maximum possible constituent of carbon in plain carbon steel.

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