
Young girls are becoming aware of body weight and figure as

Assignment: Argument Essay Outline

1. Title

a. Name of assignment Argument Outline
b. Your Title Relation between Women in Advertising and Eating Disorders in Young Girls

2. Introduction

a. Question/anecdote/statistic/quote (pick one) "Young girls are becoming aware of body weight and figure as early as eight years old. This turn has caused eating disorders to rise since the 1970s, young girls are feeling the pressures about having to create the perfect body."

b. Brief background information

Women become increasingly aware of their bodies as they get older, especially with the constant awareness of the media. Women are becoming objectified at younger and younger ages, and are becoming more and more aware of that fact as time goes on.

c. List other perspective quotes

i. "Researchers have found that children's main information on sexuality and sexual health is through the media, this is especially alarming since most of the media uses women as sexual objects."

ii. "In a culture that cuts off women from many of their own possibilities before they barley have had a chance to sense them, that pain belongs to all women. Outlets for coping may vary widely, and may be more or less addictive, more or less self-destructive. But at some level, all women know what it is to lack access to their own power, to live with a piece of themselves unclaimed."

d. Thesis Studies have shown that 90% of eating disorders are from young girls who experience the pressure to fit society's ideal "beauty".

3. Body

a. Definition

Any of several psychological disorders (such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia) characterized by serious disturbances of eating behavior- Merriam Webster's online dictionary

b. Developed background and/or history

c. Develop other perspective quotes

-Playtex campaign
-olde women's perspective

d. Supports fromResearch Guide 1 (2+ sources)

i. Topic sentence Advertisement has played a huge role in pressure young women to fit the ideal beauty causing harm to a young woman's mind.

ii. Quote One study found that 47% of the girls were influenced by magazine pictures to want to lose weight, but only 29% were actually overweight. Research has also found that stringent dieting to achieve an ideal figure can play a key role in triggering eating disorders.

iii. Restatement of quotes Trying to achieve the ideal slim body has influenced girls to want to lose weight, resulting in extreme dieting or help develop bad habits such as eating disorders.

iv. Your analysis/synthesis The media and advertising plays a huge role in influencing what women view as "beautiful". Flooding women's brains with tall, slender bodies of modern models is a tactic the media uses to keep society up with the times. Advertisement is a big industry that has a major influence in targeted customers throughout the decades.

v. Transition to next paragraph Advertisement have been objectifying, sexualizing, and downgrading women for decades causing young women to feel the pressure of objectification as early as their childhood years.

e. Supports fromResearch Guide 2 (2+ sources)

i. Topic sentence

ii. Quotes "Advertising helps to create a climate in which certain attitudes and values flourish, such as the attitude that women are valuable only as objects of men's desire"

"It has been recently argued, coherently with previous research, that the media may be responsible for the spread of eating disorders. This article reviews this literature, and evaluates what the real role of the media in the spread of eating disorders is.

iii. Restatement of quotes Advertising creates certain attitudes and values this is alarming especially since the media objectifies and downgrade women throughout the decades. Young women as young as 10 years old feel the need to start dieting to fit these normal standards.

Research has shown that there is a link between the media and the attitudes young people have toward their bodies.

iv. Your analysis/synthesis

v. Transition to next paragraph

f. Supports fromResearch Guide 3 (2+ sources)

i. Topic sentence

ii. Quotes "In June 2015, the newspapers in England once again pointed at the media industry as responsible for the spread of eating disorders. This article reviews this argument and previous research on the role of the media industry in the perpetration of images that may foster eating disorders." -

iii. Restatement of quotes (2)

iv. Your analysis/synthesis

v. Transition to next paragraph

4. Conclusion

a. Include a brief summary of the paper's main points

b. Pick one or more

i. Evoke a vivid image
ii. Call for some sort of action
iii. End with a warning
iv. Universalize (compare to other situations)
v. Suggest results or consequences

c. The following are best as the last line of your essay

i. Ask a provocative question
ii. Use a quotation

5. Works Cited

a. By author's last name
b. Alphabetical order
c. See MLA handout or Owl at Purdue for format

6. Read Aloud.

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