You would like a simple report showing in diagrams and images general information about sandstone and ironstone formation using bullet points and mainly images and daigrams.
the report should look into
-What are thier micro componants
-Where did thier micro componants come from
- How they formed through history (under the sea)
- What are the main features and interesting aspects of each stone
-A comparison between the two stones
-How the stones change with time after forming. use the cliffs in Staiths, Yorkshire, Uk. as a case study, with compairing the cliffs images taken in the beginning of the 20th century and recent images.
the report should be between 10 and 20 pages or as much more as needed, and gain this report should have more images and diagrams than words
NOTE: ThIs is not an essay. what is requesred is to gather information and put them in bullet points supported with many diagrams and images.