Question -
You work for the United states Department of Agriculture. You have been assigned to characterize a new epidemic that has spread rapidly at a farm in Montana. You arrive at the farm observe the livestock, crops and farm workers for signs of illness. You sample the fluids and tissue of several affected organisms and bring them to a state of the art USDA laboratory for analysis. The out break is fictional but all the information from the organism, to how it is acquired, to the symptoms it causes- should be legitimate for the infectious agent. I have intentionally left out these and other details in the scenario. You will fill in the details in your essay by addressing the following questions.
1. What is the affected organism (animal/plant/human or any combination)?
2. What are the symptoms exhibited by the affected organism(s)?
3. What is the pathogen that you have identified after analysis of the infected material?
4. How where you able to identify the agent in the laboratory?
5. Describe the etiology. How did the infection make its way to the farm?
6. Trace the fictional outbreak from its origins either locally, nationally or internationally.
7. Knowing how the infectious agent is disseminated, what recommendations do you make to the farm manager for containment and treatment of infected organisms?
Total 2-3 pages 10-12 point font. APA format at least 3 suitable citations to support portray of this out break.