($ in thousands)
Marketing Research Costs, to date |
$ 20,000 |
Initial cost of new equipment |
$ 300,000 |
Licensing rights to use images (To be expensed for tax purposes at time 0) |
$ 350,000 |
Expected life |
5 yrs |
Salvage value |
0 |
Depreciation method |
Straight-line over 5 years to 0 salvage value |
Selling price of new equipment in 3 years* |
$ 130,000 |
Incremental annual sales |
$ 800,000 |
Incremental annual production costs |
$ 200,000 |
Incremental annual selling |
and administrative costs |
$ 80,000 |
Current annual overhead costs |
$ 200,000 |
Immediate advertising expenses for launch (To be expensed for tax purposes at tme 0) |
$ 190,000 |
Tax rate |
40% |
Working capital required, as a % of production costs |
7.50% |
(Needed at time 0.) |
Minimum required rate of return |
10% |
*The company must pay a 40% tax on the difference between the selling price and the asset's book value at time of sale. |