You wish to predict the sale price of single-family residences in Massachusetts using property features (commonly called a "hedonic pricing model"). You collect price and property features data on properties sold in the state for the year 2010 and obtain the following regression:
Pricei = 14407.60 - 759.92*houseagei + .24*lotsizei + 354.35*bldareai + 12015.61*roomsi + µi
(6433.23) (89.67) (.115) (265.39) (8516.47)
Observations = 2691 R2 = 0.49 F = 65.10
houseage = age of the house (in years)
lotsize = total square feet of the land
bldarea = total square feet of the interior of the house
rooms = total number of rooms in the house
How would you categorize, or label, this dataset? Defend your answer.