You will write a 700-1000 word paper discussing various aspects of your hotel including: an introduction of your hotel with a brief history, stars, departments, forecasting, rates, group business, amenities, front desk experience, payment and technology. A template has been provided for you and is in Course Files. When using the template, be sure to delete notes and other directions that have been typed on the template. Do not turn in a paper in which you forgot to replace "Your Name Here" with your actual name. :) Here are a few reasons that students in the past have lost points on this paper:
• The paper is written in red
• The paragraphs that comprise the "body" of the paper are centered - not flush left
• Paragraphs are not indented
• Section titles are missing
• Section titles are not centered
• There is no title page
• There is no separate references page
Make sure your research is thorough, and combines theory with actual facts about the hotel. You may have to call your hotel of choice for details. Be sure to adhere to the template, and keep it between 700 and 1000 words and you will do fine.