
You will want to fill out and upload the stress reduction

For this discussion, there will be two parts to your post.

First, a resource on stress management. It could be something that describes the anxiety. It could be something about how to get control. Please stay away from the "6 things articles". Most of them aren't worth reading. An article that focuses on one thing and goes into depth on how is valuable.

Second, you will want to fill out and upload the Stress Reduction Plan Worksheet. The format is something you can mostly fill out while watching a TV show. However, you can modify the worksheet to give yourself more space to fill something out. To fill out the worksheet, be sure to look over the PowerPoint files I have made available.

Third, for your reply look over what others has submitted and provide advice on how to deal with a stressor or a stress reduction technique that you use that provides a great deal of benefit.

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Operation Management: You will want to fill out and upload the stress reduction
Reference No:- TGS02905237

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