
You will use your knowledge from the course to describe the


Now that you have broken the social issue into smaller pieces in the concept map, you will explain the connections you made from the reading in this course and additional scholarly articles and how these connections will help you better understand the issue. You will use your knowledge from the course to describe the connections between the sociological concepts and the social issue, and demonstrate the value of using a sociological view when examining social issues.

Specifically the following critical elements must be addressed:

III. Creating Connections: Now that you have broken the social issue into smaller pieces in the concept map, you will explain the connections you made and how these connections will help you better understand the issue, using your knowledge from the course. You will use your knowledge from the course to describe the connections between the sociological concepts and the social issue and demonstrate the value of using a sociological view when examining social issues. A. Cultural 1. Describe the relationship between the cultural beliefs and biases identified in the map and the social issue, and provide specific examples to support your description. For example, you might describe how the relationship is positive, negative, or strained. 2. Explain how the cultural beliefs and biases identified in the map help you better understand the social issue. B. Social Roles 1. Describe the relationship between the social roles identified in the map and the social issue, and provide specific examples to support your description. For example, you might describe how the relationship is positive, negative, or strained. In your response, you might consider what expectations are in place because of the social roles. 2. Explain how the social roles identified in the map help you better understand the social issue. C. Social Inequalities 1. Describe the relationship between the social inequalities identified in the map and the social issue. How are the social inequalities present in the issue? 2. Explain how the social inequalities identified in the map help you better understand the social issue. D. Impact of Social Change 1. Describe how the social issue is challenging the existing state or conditions, providing specific examples. 2. How might the social issue facilitate change for the existing state or conditions? Provide specific examples.

Rubric Guidelines for Submission: This milestone must be a minimum of one page in length, a Word document, and must be written in APA format. Use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Submit the concept map from Module Four with the one-page description. All references should be cited in APA format. Refer back to the Supporting Resources List for more information on supporting sources and citations.

Instructor Feedback: This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center. For more information, review these instructions.

Critical Elements Proficient - (100%) Needs Improvement (80%) Not Evident (0%) Value Creating Connections: Cultural Beliefs and Biases Describes the relationship between the cultural beliefs and biases in the map and the social issue, providing specific examples and using knowledge from the course Describes the relationship between the cultural beliefs and biases in the map and the social issue, but description has gaps in detail or accuracy, or does not use specific examples or knowledge from the course Does not describe the relationship between the cultural beliefs and biases in the map and the social issue 12 Creating Connections: Cultural Beliefs and Biases and Social Issue Explains how the cultural beliefs and biases identified in the map help better understand what is happening in the social issue, using knowledge from the course Explains how the cultural beliefs and biases identified in the map help better understand what's happening in the social issue, but explanation has gaps in detail or accuracy, or does not use knowledge from the course Does not explain how the cultural beliefs and biases identified in the map help better understand what is happening in the social issue 12 Creating Connections: Social Roles Describes the relationship between the social roles in the map and the social issue, providing specific examples and using knowledge from the course Describes the relationship between the social roles in the map and the social issue, but description has gaps in detail or accuracy, or does not use specific examples or knowledge from the course Does not describe the relationship between the social roles in the map and the social issue 12 Creating Connections: Social Roles and Social Issue Explains how the social roles identified in the map help better understand what is happening in the social issue, using the knowledge from the course Explains how the social roles identified in the map help better understand what is happening in the social issue, but explanation has gaps in detail or accuracy, or does not use knowledge from the course Does not explain how the social roles identified in the map help better understand what is happening in the social issue 12

Creating Connections: Social Inequalities

Describes the relationship between the social inequalities in the map and the social issue, using knowledge from the course

Describes the relationship between the social inequalities in the map and the social issue, but description has gaps in detail or accuracy, or does not use knowledge from the course

Does not describe the relationship between the social inequalities in the map and the social issue

Creating Connections: Social Inequalities and Social Issue

Explains how the social inequalities identified in the map help better understand what is happening in the social issue, using knowledge from the course

Explains how the social inequalities identified in the map help better understand what is happening in the social issue, but explanation has gaps in detail or accuracy, or does not use knowledge from the course

Does not explain how the social inequalities identified in the map help better understand what is happening in the social issue

Creating Connections: Existing Conditions

Describes how the social issue is challenging the existing conditions, providing specific examples

Describes how the social issue is challenging the existing conditions, but description has gaps in detail or accuracy, or does not provide examples

Does not describe how the social issue is challenging the existing conditions

Creating Connections: Social Change

Explains how the social issue might facilitate change for the existing conditions, providing specific examples

Explains how the social issue might facilitate change for the existing conditions, but explanation has gaps in detail or accuracy, or does not provide specific examples

Does not explain how the social issue might facilitate change for the existing conditions

Articulation of Response

Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization

Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas

Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas

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Dissertation: You will use your knowledge from the course to describe the
Reference No:- TGS02250415

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