
You will undertake an analysis of the it industry and

Professional Practice in IT

Assignment- Analytical Report-portfolio: Industry analysis, résumé and five-year plan

Word Limit: 1,500 words.

The Task

You will undertake an analysis of the IT industry and identify your current skills, interests, and future learning needs based on which parts of the industry you might like to work in. You will also create a couple of five-year plans and an up-to-date résumé.

The industry analysis will be structured as a formal report, in a professional layout, and submitted as a Word document. The résumé and plans will be stored on a single page in Mahara, where you can make them available to prospective employers, even after your finish your degree.

Extensive information on how to use Mahara to create your résumé and plans is available under Assignment Handouts on Moodle, including illustrated step-by-step instructions and a sample assignment.

For the résumé and plans you can even access a sample Mahara page.

Item Descriptions

Industry Analysis

This needs to be written in the form of a professional report and will discuss the current state of the IT industry and what it has to offer in terms of career pathways and how these might relate to your skills, interests, and future learning needs. It will be submitted as a Word document.

Solution Preview :

Prepared by a verified Expert
Other Subject: You will undertake an analysis of the it industry and
Reference No:- TGS01116854

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