
You will to present detail on four 4 equal employment

Power Point Presentation Guidelines

You will to present detail on Four (4) Equal Employment Opportunity Laws, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act, Civil Rights Act of 1964, Equal Pay Act of 1963, Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978, Sexual Harassment, etc. or laws that have been passed to protect workers such as OSHA.

The presentation needs to consist of one cover sheet, introduction, a minimum of four pages for each law, conclusion and a list of References - please follow directions very closely.

For each law you need to include sheets for each of the following four questions: 

  1. The history and background on why the Law was passed and who the law protects.  To understand the law you must first understand its history. 
  2. The date the law was passed and the law's major components (use a source and cite the source - show that you understand the tenets of the law)  - if you need to quote sections of the law that is okay as long as you cite the source.
  3. Your own observations on the law and whether it works or not?  Do you know someone who was affected by the law?  If not research the law's effectiveness?
  4. A court case that has been brought against a company, individual, business (name the company and date of the case) and how the court decided the case.  Describe the court case along with the court's decision and if it affected the law.  

Since this is a PowerPoint presentation please make SURE the presentation IS concise and to the point with bullets. But remember that substantiate data is still needed, especially in regards to the background, contents of the law and the court cases.

The EEOC is responsible for enforcing federal laws prohibiting employment discrimination.  EEOC keeps an extensive archive of court cases affecting all aspects of violations from age discrimination, pregnancy, lack of handicap accessibility, sexual harassment, discrimination based on gender, race, religion, etc.  Find laws that you feel are of interest to you.  Court cases on these issues are going on daily.

The EEOC can be your primary research tool along with the Library, business journals, magazines and accredited newspapers.  All have covered the history of the laws as well as lawsuits brought by employees.

Please use Microsoft PowerPoint and highlight the major points with bullets.  This can be a very creative assignment so you need to use your imagination on the information included.  Please note you are not being graded on your PowerPoint expertise but on the flow and contents of the data.  The presentation should be a minimum of four pages per law.  Your presentation will be evaluated based on your level of insight, your demonstrated understanding of course concepts and the quality of your summaries.

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Business Management: You will to present detail on four 4 equal employment
Reference No:- TGS01668405

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