
You will reflect on your own writing in relation to flow

How does your voice fit in the scholarly conversation? How can you revise and align your opinions to participate with the intellectual discussion of your fellow scholar-practitioners?

With the principles outlined in the Learning Resources in mind, it is time to join the conversation by adding your own evaluation to the paragraphs you wrote in Week 4.

To prepare for this Assignment:
- Review the Learning Resources on audience, sentence structure, evaluation, and analysis.
- Review the content of your selected journal article.

The Assignment:
Revise the three paragraphs from the Week 4 Assignment, adding your own evaluation of the article's main points. In the MEAL plan, this portion is referred to as the A section, or analysis, and is often the most difficult portion to include.

Duke University's Thompson Writing Program (n.d.) recommends that you organize the material within a paragraph according to the MEAL plan:

Main Idea: Your topic sentence stating the concrete claim the paragraph is advancing.

Evidence: Paraphrase or direct quotations from the source material you are using to support your topic sentence's claim.

Analysis: Your explanation and evaluation of the evidence; explaining the evidence you provided and its relevance in your own words.

Lead Out: Concluding; preparing your reader to transition to the next paragraph (and the next claim).

Original main ideas: Revising: Adding Your Evaluation

The article main ideas below:
1. "We brought different strengths to the course and learned by observing each other's approach (Linder VanBerschot& Wilson, 2014)."

2. "One of the obvious advantages of having two instructors in an online course is the additional support that can be provided to students (Linder VanBerschot& Wilson, 2014)."

3. "The most powerful benefit of the co-teaching experience may be in the opportunity to build capacity (in the course and the instructors) and learn from one another (Linder VanBerschot& Wilson, 2014)."
My Paraphrased:

1. The two teachers explained that they each brought different knowledge to the online course and learned from each other's ways of understanding the method
2. One of the distinct conveniences of having two teachers in an online course is the extra help that can be given to students.
3. The most powerful advantage of having two teachers in an online course can help improve students and teacher's learning interaction.

Week 6: Revising: Responding to Feedback

You have now made several revisions to your work, moving from a rough first draft to more fully developed paragraphs with effective transitions between main ideas, written in an appropriate scholarly tone.

This week, you will focus on responding to your Instructor's feedback and making revisions for flow and cohesion. After reviewing the Learning Resources for this week, you will post a reflection on your writing in relation to flow and cohesion, sharing your thoughts and experiences with your colleagues and Instructor. You will also further revise your paragraph(s) from Week 5, ensuring that you address Instructor-provided feedback on your work.

For this Assignment, you may use Instructor feedback from any of the previous weeks' Assignments or posts.

Discussion: Reflecting on Your Writing: Flow and Cohesion

Flow and cohesion are abstract terms that many people, including both Instructors and students, interpret differently. In this week's Assignment, you are to think about flow and cohesion as guiding your reader through your essay. Cohesion binds your paragraphs, linking them together so your reader can understand why one idea comes before the next. Flow is what transitions and guides your reader form one paragraph to the next.
This week's Learning Resources will help you examine your work for flow and cohesion. For this Discussion, you will reflect on your own writing in relation to flow and cohesion. Based on what you have learned from the week's resources, you will share your thoughts and experiences on revising for flow and cohesion. You may also choose to reflect on your practice of responding to feedback.
To prepare for this Discussion:
- Review the Learning Resources on flow and cohesion.
- Review the Learning Resources on responding to feedback, including the infographic.
- Review your Self-Assessment from Week 1.
- Reflect on your writing process in relation to flow and cohesion. You may even choose to consider how you approached this specific Assignment in relation to flow and cohesion.
- Reflect on your progress so far, based on your Self-Assessment from Week 1. Write a 1- to 2-paragraph reflection on your use of flow and cohesion in your scholarly writing. (Note: You may choose to reflect specifically on how you will apply concepts in this week's Assignment.) You may also choose to post a reflection on any changes in your writing process since Week 1.

Writer's Self-Assessment:

Checklist of Common Writing-Related Issues

For this week, you will reflect on your writing experiences and use this reflection for both the Discussion and Assignment 2. YourWriter's Self-Assessment serves three purposes:
- It will help you begin working on your critical thinking and writing, two skills you will study and practice in this course.
- It will provide your Instructor with an opportunity to get a sense of you as a writer. Then, your Instructor can focus comments and instruction in ways to help you strengthen your critical thinking and writing skills.
- It will allow you to share your experiences with your colleagues and support each other in strengthening your scholarly writing.
To help you start thinking about your needs, you might want consider these common writing-related issues:

- Grammar mistakes
- Misuse of punctuation
- Confusing or overly wordy writing
- Unclear or underdeveloped paragraphs
- Lack of a scholarly voice
- Insufficient supporting evidence
- Incorrect use of APA
- Writer's block

Do any of these resonate with you? Have you received feedback from your Instructors or from other sources on these issues? Perhaps you have other concerns. That's fine! The list above is merely a starting point for your reflection.

A helpful hint: Try to be as specific as possible in your Self-Assessment. For instance, identify which grammar issues are cropping up in your work (e.g., run-on sentences, verb tenses).

Refer to the Discussion and Application 2 in Week 1 of your online course for full details of the requirements for your Self-Assessment.

Discussion: Reflecting on Your Writing: Proofreading

This week's Learning Resources will help you better understand the proofreading tools available to you so that you can submit a strong final draft. For this Discussion, you will reflect on your own writing in relation to final proofreading. Based on what you have learned from the week's Resources, you will share your thoughts and experiences on proofreading. You may also choose to reflect on any grammar- or punctuation-related strategies you have used in the past or are currently using.
To prepare:
- Review the Learning Resources on proofreading.
- Review the Learning Resources on grammar and punctuation.
- Reflect on your writing process in relation to proofreading. You may even choose to consider how you approached this specific assignment in relation to proofreading, grammar, and/or punctuation.

Write a 1- to 2-paragraph reflection on your use of proofreading. (Note: You may choose to reflect specifically on how you will apply concepts of proofreading in this week's Assignment.) In addition, identify any grammar-related issues in your writing and ways you have addressed them in this course.

Finally, post your Final Plan and Course of Action timeline for your colleagues to review. Your Final Plan and Course of Action consists of 1-2 sentences where you outline your plan for finishing your essay, including the exact sentence, "I will submit the final draft of my evaluative essay for CAEX 6060/6061: Graduate Writing II by XX/XX/20XX." You may also add the phrase, "I will complete final proofreading, editing, and revision of my evaluative essay by XX/XX/20XX." Be sure to fill in the date that you will complete your revision and submit your final draft!

You are now ready to make a final edit and proofread of your revised draft. At this stage, you have already made substantive revisions to your work. You are now fine-tuning your writing to ensure you have correct grammar and punctuation and that there are no other errors. Congratulations!

To prepare for this Assignment:
- Review the Learning Resources on proofreading.
- Review the Learning Resources on grammar and punctuation.

The Assignment:
Revise the three paragraphs from the Week 6 Assignment again, ensuring you have completed a full and careful proofreading of your 1- to 2-page evaluative narrative. Make certain to submit a clean copy of your work without any track changes or comments by either yourself or your Instructor.

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