
You will provide a diagram illustrating the linux kernel


Phase I Introduction In this case study, you will be expected to write an introductory document covering the following items: - Make sure you have a brief synopsis to start your presentation: e.g. what are the various versions of the Linux kernel (embedded, mainstream, numbering scheme...)? What are the particularities of Linux as compared to other mainstream Operating Sysvtems?

- Provide an overview of the Linux kernel components

o You will provide a diagram illustrating the Linux kernel architecture and various components and classify it according to what we discussed in class
o You will discuss briefly the role of each component you identified and its dependencies with other components (which component depends on which and what is the nature of their dependency)
o Provide references to the source of information you used
o Possible components to focus on;

- Process manager
- Scheduler
- Memory manager
- Device drivers
- Inter Process Communication services implementation
- Virtual File Systems implementation
- Other you might discover during your search

Phase II Core Bibliography This phase of your case study will focus on one specific kernel component of your choice. You will research information about the implementation of this component. (algorithms & data structures used, differences with other OSes, strength and weaknesses, performance benchmark information...) The bibliography phase might be shorter than for other topics so far that there might be only a couple of sites or books devoted to this component kernel implementation. Hint: Periodicals might be of great help. Make sure you cover your bases and do not miss major references (especially if available on campus Library) then move on to phase III as soon as possible to give you more time to devote to the technical report and OS component study.

Phase III Technical tutorial The objective of your technical tutorial is to synthesize your readings about the kernel component you chose and design a 15 minutes PowerPoint-based presentation which will enable your classmates to become knowledgeable on its implementation. Objectives should include; - Explain the algorithm & data structures used in this component - Underline the component's strength and weakness as well as the parameters which can be used to finely tune this component form user-space. - Identify the code segments which are relevant to this component and provide a code walk through As explained in the general guidelines your work has to be original, if you find many similar tutorials during Phase II, you need to find a way to distinguish yourself and provide an original contribution of your own. You also need to prepare a presentation file (PowerPoint) with the explanations on the technical details of the Case Study.

With all the figures, charts, tables and reference list embedded into the report, it is expected that a report may consists of 30+ pages double-spaced or 15+ pages single-spaced.

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Operating System: You will provide a diagram illustrating the linux kernel
Reference No:- TGS01693356

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