
You will produce a written report that critically analyses

Core learning outcomes - On completion of this unit you should be able to:

  • Demonstrate a critical appreciation of how types of leadership/management styles differ depending on history, culture, geographic life and conditions and how they impact people performance, followers and productivity.
  • Critically evaluate leadership/management styles, leadership problems and challenges and your personal leadership capabilities and needs for future development.

The task - There are two questions in this assignment:

1. You will produce a written report that critically analyses and evaluates your company's leadership and management preferences using Cyert's organisational leadership perspective and Stacey's organisational dynamics perspective. (Word count: 1500 words)

2. "Gaining a considerable level of top management control over the development of the organisation will to an extent be at odds with the policy of accepting or even encouraging organisational chaos.  To control or not to control, that is the question".

Analyse, evaluate and discuss the management dilemma present above within the context of your company. (Word count: 1500 words)

Format -

Section / Title

Details / Guidance

University coversheet

Include name, student ID number, unit title and code, assessment title, date of submission.

Title page

Title of your report.  Address (to/from) and date the report.

Executive Summary

(Approx 300 words) summary of your whole report, including key recommendations.

Contents Page

Include page numbers.


Short (approximately 300 words) introduction to the report setting out what the aims and objectives of the report are, what the report will cover and why. 


Using third party sources (Cyert and Stacey are essential plus other academic literature and practitioner-orientated material) for support, critically analyse how the core concepts in the literature align or contrast with your own organisation.

Furthermore analyse how the issues of control and chaos play out in your own organisation and the implications for the business. (approximately 1500 words)


This section should initially answer the report aim and objectives and draw together the main points from your analysis of literature. It summarises what has been learned from undertaking this research.  It should also begin to weigh up the options available and begin to identify the way forward.   No new information should be presented in the conclusions. (Approximately 450 words)


Make recommendations for improvement based upon your conclusions, clearly stating how they can add value to the organisation.   Recommendations should be fully feasible and justified stating clearly costs, priority level, time-scale, resources, who is responsible, benefits and any further implications to the organisation. Your proposals should be actionable ('immediately implementable') not just a list of ideas. (Approximately 450 words)

Reference List

A list of the third-party sources you have consulted and which are cited directly in the text.  All these sources should be properly identified.


Lengthy appendices are not necessary and must be discouraged.   Ideally there will be no appendices, but if there are the total number should not exceed two and the total number of pages should not exceed four.

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Business Management: You will produce a written report that critically analyses
Reference No:- TGS02295578

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