1. Ryan Ross (111-11-1111), Oscar Oleander (222-22-2222), Clark Carey (333-33-3333), and Kim Kardigan (444-44-4444) are equal members in ROCK the Ages, LLC. ROCK serves as agents and managers for prominent musicians in the Los Angeles area. The LLC ' s Federal ID number is 55-5555555. It uses the cash basis and the calendar year and began operations on January 1, 2001. Its current address is 6102 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 2100, Los Angeles, CA 90036. ROCK was the force behind such music icons as Rhiannon and Burgundy 5 and has had a very profitable year. The following information was taken from the LLC ' s income statement for the current year:
Fees and commissions $4,800,000
Taxable interest income from bank deposits 1,600
Tax-exempt interest 3,200 Net gain on stock sales 4,000
Total revenues $4,808,800
Advertising and public relations $ 380,000
Charitable contributions 28,000
Section 179 expense 20,000
Employee salaries and wages 1,000,000
Guaranteed payment, Ryan Ross, office manager 800,000
Guaranteed payment, other members 600,000
Entertainment, subject to 50%disallowance 200,000
Travel 320,000
Legal and accounting fees 132,000
Office rentals paid 80,000
Interest expense on operating line of credit 10,000
Insurance premiums 52,000
Tax Returns: You will prepare tax returns during the semester each one will be worth 100 points. You must use tax forms for the tax return problems, failure to do so, will result in massive point deduction