
You will prepare and present at least one persuasive speech


Part 1

Length: 150 words

First, watch the Ted Talk by Jill Botle Taylor: "My Stroke of Insight"

Next, review the delivery focus area for this lesson, which is listed in the Instruction section.

Finally, record a 1- to 2-minute video eJournal to reflect on the information in this lesson. Include the following in your eJournal:

• Provide one brief opinion, impression, or fact you found interesting, or something you did not like about the Ted Talk.

• Answer the question: How does this Ted Talk relate to Lesson 10 and Chapter 15? You must use key terms from the textbook to receive credit for the Video eJournal.

• Reflect on how you will incorporate this information into your own life.

• Specific to this lesson: Can an informative speech be inspiring? Explain your answer.

• Delivery Focus Area: Your instructor will be evaluating you specifically on the following criteria:

o Rate and Pace: See Lesson 1 for specific details.
o Posture: See Lesson 2 for specific details.
o Pitch and Inflection: See Lesson 3 for specific details.
o Articulation and Pronunciation: See Lesson 4 for specific details.
o Movement: See Lesson 5 for specific details.
o Appearance: See Lesson 7 for specific details.
o Volume: See Lesson 8 for specific details.
o Facial Expressions: See Lesson 9 for specific details.
o Eye Contact: Eye contact is one of the most important aspects of delivery. If you are stuck reading your notes or looking away, your audience cannot really connect to you as a speaker, and thus, cannot connect to your message.

Part 2

Length: 300 words

Use critical thinking skills to research resources (including online newspapers and magazines) to prepare a 4-minute extemporaneous speech to inform your classmates about the day, date, or year you were born. You can include news events and series that represent both serious and funny news - local, national, and international. You must apply what you learned about presentational aids in Lesson 9 and create and utilize a six-slide presentational aid to share with your audience during this speech. This speech will use all speech development and delivery concepts learned up to this point in the course. This speech should not merely list news events; rather you should base it on speech development principles.

1. Purpose of assignment: You will prepare and present at least one informative speech, use a variety of support materials that serve to clarify, create interest in, and inform your audience of speech content, and demonstrate competence in developing and delivering extemporaneous speeches.

2. Purpose of the speech: You will deliver an extemporaneous speech to inform using presentational aids.

3. Any special requirements: You must include a six-slide presentational aid during your speech delivery. You must also submit an outline of this speech to the instructor before you deliver the speech.

4. Speech delivery: You must use proper oral language in a public speech and use nonverbal cues properly.

5. Level of research: You need to research scholarly resources.

6. Time limit: You need to deliver a four-minute speech.'

Part 3

Length: 300 words

Select one picture from a magazine, newspaper, the Internet, or other source that you will use as the basis for a speech to persuade. This picture should affect your listener's emotions. This speech must be a persuasive speech to convince, actuate, or inspire, and you must use the guidelines in your textbook (Chapter 16) to develop and enhance the pathos of this persuasive speech.

1. Purpose of assignment: You will prepare and present at least one persuasive speech with a speaking outline, use a variety of support materials that serve to clarify, create interest in, and inform your audience of speech content, and demonstrate competence in extemporaneous speaking.

2. Purpose of the speech: You will deliver an extemporaneous speech to persuade.

3. Any special requirements: You must include the use of one presentational tool (a picture) during their speech delivery.

4. Speech delivery: You must use proper oral language in a public speech and use nonverbal cues properly.

5. Level of research: You must research resources to find an appropriate picture.

6. Time limit: You need to deliver a 4-minute speech to persuade.

7. Point value: 100 points

Part 4

Length: 150 words

First, watch the Ted Talk by Mike Rowe: "Learning From Dirty Jobs"

Next, review the delivery focus area for this lesson, which is listed in the Instruction section.

Finally, record a 1- to 2-minute video eJournal in Wistia to reflect on the information in this lesson. Include the following in your eJournal:

• Provide one brief opinion, impression, or fact you found interesting, or something you did not like about the Ted Talk.

• Answer the question: How does this Ted Talk relate to Lesson 11 and Chapters 16 and 17? You must use key terms from the textbook to receive credit for the Video eJournal.

• Reflect on how you will incorporate this information into your own life.

• Specific to this lesson: Can a persuasive speech be inspiring?

• Delivery Focus Area: Your instructor will be evaluating you specifically on the following criteria:

o Rate and Pace: See Lesson 1 for specific details.
o Posture: See Lesson 2 for specific details.
o Pitch and Inflection: See Lesson 3 for specific details.
o Articulation and Pronunciation: See Lesson 4 for specific details.
o Movement: See Lesson 5 for specific details.
o Appearance: See Lesson 7 for specific details.
o Volume: See Lesson 8 for specific details.
o Facial Expressions: See Lesson 9 for specific details.
o Eye Contact: See Lesson 10 for specific details.

o Gesturing: This may be one of the most difficult elements of public speaking, simply because people's nerves often come out in their fidgeting.

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Business Management: You will prepare and present at least one persuasive speech
Reference No:- TGS02533020

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