
You will perform in-depth research and provide an

Research Paper

Today, digital media is found throughout all business and personal activities making it necessary to have a high level of understanding of both the sources of content, as well as the methods in which the information is consumed. The responsible utilization of digital media requires individuals to have an awareness of the global, social, ethical, and legal contexts in which the digital media is consumed.

Deliverable for Project

Students are required to select a topic related to global, social, ethical, or legal issues with digital media. You will perform in-depth research and provide an explanation of how issues associated with your selected topic relates to the consumption of digital media. I will have some suggested topics in a announcement later on in class as topics that are not focused or too broad in scope will not be effective related to objectives. You may not do this on a topic or organization covered in a previous project submitted to this class.

Formatting Requirements

Project must follow APA guidelines.

• Double-spaced
• 1 inch Margins
• 12 point professional font
• Footers including page numbers and student's name
• Headers including project name and class
• File name: first initial last name, and project (ex. CSegura_Research)
• Use of tables, graphs, images, etc. of appropriate size that are relevant to the information being conveyed is highly encouraged.

Content Requirements

• Minimum of 1500 words, maximum 3000 words

o Excluding table of contents, cover and reference pages

• Title Page including

o Project Name
o Your Name
o Instructor's Name
o Course Name/Number
o Paper Title

• Paper Requirements
• Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Body

o Research
o Findings
o Context & Additional Explanations

• Conclusion
• Reference Page

o Include and cite at least 5 professional sources (at least two sources must be Journal articles). Clarification 1: Do not use Wikipedia or Web sites that have undated postings with no authors.

o Both full and in text required or work will not be accepted

• File submitted should be a Microsoft word document with a .doc or docx extension. PDF or open office file etc file extensions will not be accepted.

Here is a list of topics, please use one.

• The legal impact of digital media on privacy
• Legal and ethical aspects of Copyright infringement related to digital media
• Legal impact of digital media on music industry
• Legal aspects of cyberstalking
• Social and legal aspects of cyberstalking
• Legal aspects of cyberbullying
• CyberBullying and digital media and social, and legal issues
• Sexting and social, ethical, legal aspects to our youth
• Legal and ethical aspects of electronic medical records
• Legal, social and ethical issues and Facebook and employment
• Social and legal aspects related to social media impact on Terrorism
• Social and legal aspects related to social media impact on ISIS
• Ethical, social and legal aspects of product placement related to using celebrities in mediums such as Twitter, Instagram etc.

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Essay Writing: You will perform in-depth research and provide an
Reference No:- TGS01629972

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