In this activity, you will organize and oversee a team to carry out a project for your organization.
Type up all of the above. Proper college-level writing required. Use our ATC Writing Center as needed.
You are a professional analyst at a corporation, and are assigned to lead a team of 5 members. Top management wants to know the viability of shipping to customers overseas.
Select 5 specialists your team (other than yourself). List their names, titles, & qualifications. Show what tasks you will delegate to each team member.
You are given 30 days for the team to issue their final recommendation.
Develop a timeline to show meetings, agendas, goals, and deadlines.
Create all meeting agendas and include dates and times.
Show how you would go about this. (Since this is a scenario, you will image something reasonable.)
Include and site 3 online quotes to support your work. Must be correctly formatted for credit.