
You will need to write a well-developed argument that


Purpose: This essay focuses on helping you:

• Take a clear position and support it with relevant evidence

• Integrate effective counter-arguments within your writing

• Continue working on summary, paraphrase, and quoting

• Practice proper use of adverbial, noun, and adjective clauses

Background: A fierce debate over the ethics of sweatshops has been raging for decades. Critics argue that sweatshops exploit workers' rights, subjecting them to horrendous working conditions with low wages. Advocates disagree, claiming that although sweatshops could make some improvements, they provide a good alternative to jobs already existing in those countries and are a vital boost the economic health of these nations.

Description: You will need to write a well-developed argument that answers the following:

Do the benefits of sweatshops outweigh the costs?

Take a position on whether or not you believe sweatshops are ultimately beneficial or disadvantageous and explain why.

Requirements: The final draft should be -4 pages, double-spaced, 12-point font, and must include:

• An introduction that includes enough background information about both sides of the argument to make your ideas clear to a reader who is not familiar with the readings or topics we have discussed in class,

• The use at least 3 articles that we have read in class to support your position *Do not use additional sources for this assignment. If you need If you think you need more information than what I have given you, please talk to me; we can discuss the option of searching for and using additional sources. If I give you permission to you use additional sources, you must cite them appropriately in your essay and on the "Works Cited" page and,

• A works cited page (in MLA format) with any articles you use from class

In addition, you must have these underlined and labeled grammar/vocab. structures:

• two new vocabulary words from the "Language Packet" in Unit 2 (from the readings)

• two adverbial, adjective, or noun clauses "N. Clause" "Adj. Clause" "Adv. Clause"

• one of each pattern using reporting verbs "Report-Prep" "Report-WH" "Report-That"

o (see Language Packet #2 for these patterns)

Reading: 1. Free Trade Agreement and a Global Economy Increase Sweatshops (Global Exchange, Child Labor and Sweatshops, 2011)

2. Life and Death in Apple's Forbidden City (By Brian Merchant, June 18, 2017)

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Accounting Basics: You will need to write a well-developed argument that
Reference No:- TGS02703430

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