You will need to summarize and comment on the two following articles from each researcher. Each written summary must not exceed two pages with ft 12 (Times New Roman& Double spaced) - in point form.
Follow the same instructions forthe following two questions(total of six pages with six studies individually summarized + commented).
Part -1:
STUDY 1: Probability Discounting of Gains and Losses: Implications for Risk Attitudes and Impulsivity (Shead & Hodgins, 2009)
STUDY 2: Differences between Poker Players and Non-Poker Playing Gamblers (Shead & Hodgins, Scharf, 2008)
Part -2:
STUDY 1: Teaching High School Biology Student to Coordinate Text and Diagrams: Relations with Transfer, Effort, and Spatial Skill (Bergey, Cromley, Newcombe, 2015).
STUDY 2: Effects of three diagram instruction methods on transfer of diagram comprehension skills: The critical role of inference while learning (Cromley, bergey, Fitzhugh, Newcombe, Wills, Shipley, Tanaka, 2013).
Part -3:
STUDY 1: Expert Testimony on Laboratory Witnesses (Yuille, Ternes, Cooper, 2010).
STUDY 2: Eyewitness Memory and Eyewitness Identification Performance in Adults with Intellectual Disabilities (Ternes & Yuille, 2008)