
You will need to implement an application that will hold


Statement: You will need to implement an application that will hold the customer list for Acme Anvil Supply. This list will be read from a file and stored in a binary tree. The customer file contains fields with the customer number, name, and address (street, city, state and zip). Each field will be in a separate line in the file, thus a given record will be 6 lines in length. The file will be named Customers.txt.

The application will provide the user with a menu to allow them to:

· Load the tree from the file

· Save the tree to the file

· Add a customer to the tree

· Remove a customer from the tree

· Display the list of customers in: (display customer number and name)

o In-order

o Pre-order

o Post-order

· Search the tree for a given: (display customer number, name and address)

o Customer Number

o Customer Name

· Quit the application

Detail Requirements

You will need to have the following classes:

· Customer - This class will hold the information for a customer (in files name Customer.cpp and Customer.h):

o Number

o Name

o Address

o Various setters, getters, operators, including, but not limited to (comparison operators based on the Customer Number):

§ Operator

§ Operator==

§ Operator <>

· Address - This class will hold the information for a customer's address (in files named Address.cpp and Address.h):

o Street (i.e., 33 N. Main)

o City

o State

o Zip

o Various setters, getters, operators, including, but not limited to:

§ Operator <>

· BinaryTree - This is the binary tree class holding the information. Do not use a Template or a Standard Template to implement this. Write a custom tree. Minimally, you will need to implement the following public methods (in files named BinaryTree.cpp and BinaryTree.h):

o addCustomer(Customer *)

o removeCustomer(string customerNumber)

o searchCustomer(string customerNumber) : Customer*

o printCustomers() - print a list of customers (in order by customer number) showing all information about the customer.

o listPreFix() - print a list of customer numbers and names

o listPostFix() - print a list of customer numbers and names

· BinaryTreeNode - the nodes used in the binary tree (In files named BinaryTreeNode.h and optionally, BinaryTreeNode.cpp. You may implement this as a struct or a class)

Sample input file:


Wilee Caytote

123 E. Fifth St.





Dave Walls

123 W. Anywhere St.





Robert U. McKey

4986 Boundary St.





Ruby B. Edwards

4861 Spring Ave.




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Computer Engineering: You will need to implement an application that will hold
Reference No:- TGS01668954

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