
You will need to conduct outside research to familiarize

Question: Instructions

This document contains two scenarios: a scenario in which the Virgin Group ("Virgin") is soliciting proposals from prospective venues for a major music festival, anda scenario in which Disneyland Paris is soliciting proposals from owners of a fictional movie, tv, book, or game franchise to form a partnership with. In groups of three to four, students will, according to the selection process outlined below, select a city/franchice to represent in responding to the request for proposal (RFP). Your group should, working as a team, first prepare a written executive summary of your city's proposal that is creative, thorough, and persuasive. You will need to conduct outside research to familiarize yourself with your proposed city/franchice, research the industry, and identify any relevant business concepts necessary to critically analyze the RFP and prepare an effective proposal. Your group will then prepare and deliver - during the specified final examination period for your section - an oral presentation that is persuasive and reflects the group's executive summary.

Selection Process: There are two selections that each student will need to make for this project: 1) select a team of 3 or 4 members and 2) select a city to represent in this project. All students must ensure that they fully understand the following process and then strictly adhere to all deadlines:

1) Group Selection. Students should begin forming teams of three or four immediately. Once a team has been formed, one member of the team should email your professor - copying all other members of the group - and inform your professor of your desired group composition. Your professor will then reply to all to inform you of whether your group composition is acceptable. This will be determined on a first-come, first-served basis and your group composition is not final until you have received confirmation from your professor. Any student who is not a member of an approved group by April 14th, 2018 will be placed into a group by his or her professor. Note that your professor may need to make adjustments to groups to ensure that all students are in groups. All final groups will be formed and posted on Blackboard April 14th, 2018.

2) City Selection. Once your group is approved, one member from each group should email the professor a list of your top three choices for cities/franchises (depending on which prompt you choose). This will again be determined on a first-come, first-served basis. Your professor will respond via email to inform you which city or franchise you will represent. Note that any group that does not submit its role request by April 15, 2018 will receive an automatic 5% reduction on its Group Final Project.

Executive Summary Submission Instructions: Select one member of your group to submit the Executive Summary of your proposal via Safe Assignment on the Blackboard course website by the Assignment Deadline. This is considered the official copy of your proposal. Late submissions will be treated the same as all prior written assignments in BUS 300 (see Syllabus for late assignments policy). In addition, one member of the group must email your professor an identical copy of the proposal by the Assignment Deadline with a copy to all group members.

Formatting Instructions: Your Executive Summary (proposal) should be 10 pages of written text, double-spaced, and in Times New Roman 12-point font, justified, with one-inch margins. Any headings, visual aids, table of contents, footnotes/endnotes, etc. will not count towards the 10 page requirement.

Citations: For your Executive Summary, you must include citations (either as footnotes or endnotes) in accordance with the University of Miami's plagiarism policy. The purpose of citations is to give credit to the authors of any ideas that are not your own by identifying the source of the ideas. In addition, citations enable your reader to evaluate the quality of your research and to verify the information in your analysis. Although there are many ways to document your research, for this assignment, you should select one citation style (e.g., Chicago Manual of Style, MLA, etc.) and be consistent in your use of that style throughout. Provide a superscript footnote following the punctuation mark after any idea that is not your own or information that you obtained from any source. A corresponding footnote at the bottom of the page should include a complete citation to the source.

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Marketing Management: You will need to conduct outside research to familiarize
Reference No:- TGS02749935

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