
You will need to complete some of the activities at least

Discussion: ICT

• Minimum of 2 additional reliable resources for initial post


This assignment will require advance planning—you will need to complete some of the activities at least 24 hours in advance of posting your initial response to the discussion board. Continue reading the Initial Post Instructions for more details. Please make sure that you actively participate in the threads throughout the entire time that the thread is open. Refer to the instructions and the Week 1 discussion for specific requirements.

Initial Post Instructions

You will begin preparing for this post at least one day before making your initial post. For the next 24 hours, your task is to live consciously. List (or mentally log) all the times that you interact with ICT or digitally equipped objects (such as your car, your phones, your sources of entertainment, your home appliances, etc.) and reflect on their relationship to your productiveness and on your degree of dependence. After all, what did we do BG (Before Google) existed? Also consider the readings as you prepare your post: Did the readings open your eyes to the pervasiveness of computing in our everyday lives? Share examples from your own day. What did you think of Carr’s assertions about the wisdom of trying to achieve competitive advantage through ICT? What would happen to your organization if we experienced an energy infrastructure failure of a long duration? What about your personal life?

Writing Requirements: 350 Word MINIMUM... INITIAL POST... APA Format with one in text citation and reference. MUST BE ORIGINIAL WORDS.

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Operation Management: You will need to complete some of the activities at least
Reference No:- TGS02889738

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