Gradient = change in elevation / distance
Calculate the gradient (in ft/mile) of the following volcanoes to help you determine their type (shield, composite or cinder cone). You will have one of each type. You will need to change your gradient value to a %, divide it by 100 (this will give you a value that is close to the degree measurement for each volcano to help you determine its type).
Mauna Loa (HI)
Starting elevation: 5,000 ft
Summit: 11,400 ft
Distance between points: 10 miles
% slope angle:
Type of volcano: Shield
Mt Vsevidof (AK)
Starting elevation: 1,000 ft
Summit: 4,600 ft
Distance between points: 2 miles
% slope angle:
Type of volcano:
SP Crater (AZ)
Starting elevation: 6,200 ft
Summit: 6,840 ft
Distance between points: 0.2 miles
% slope angle:
Type of volcano: