
you will manufacture composite beams using an

You will manufacture composite beams using an epoxy matrix (West Systems 105 epoxy resin + West Systems 206 slow hardener) and one of the following reinforcements:

 1.  Unidirectional S-glass fibers (nominally 0.006" thick/ply)

2.  Unidirectional carbon fibers (nominally 0.008" thick/ply)  

Your group will fabricate two composite plates.  Each plate will have nominal dimensions of 12" long X 12" wide X 0.075" - 0.15" thick.  All plates should have a symmetric layup.  To simplify fabrication, in preparing your beams use only 00 and 900 ply orientations.  The two plates should have substantially different properties (whether due to differences in layup or reinforcement properties or both).  After the plates have cured, you will cut at least eight (8) 1" wide X 12" long beams from each plate.  At least four (4) beams each will be tested in three- and four-point bending.

 In preparation for plate fabrication, your team needs to design the two plate types.  Assume the 1" wide beams will be tested using a total span of 8" and an applied load span of 2.5" (4-point bend).  All beams must withstand at least 1000N before first ply failure.  When you come to class on 11/21, you will need to turn in the following information:  

 Plate 1:

 Material and orientation for each ply

 Expected applied load (3-point bending) at failure

 Expected applied load (4-point bending) at failure

 Expected location of first ply failure

 Expected mid-span displacement at failure for 3-point bending

 Expected mid-space displacement at failure for 4-point bending

  Plate 2:

 Material and orientation for each ply

 Expected applied load (3-point bending) at failure

 Expected applied load (4-point bending) at failure

 Expected location of first ply failure

 Expected mid-span displacement at failure for 3-point bending

 Expected mid-space displacement at failure for 4-point bending  

List any assumptions (including material properties with sources) and uncertainties that will affect your predictions.  Note that some consolidation of the beams will occur during curing.

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Electrical Engineering: you will manufacture composite beams using an
Reference No:- TGS0205689

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