
You will implement a pretty-printer for scheme

For this programming assignment, you will implement a pretty-printer for Scheme in either C++. The code should be developed in a team of two using pair programming. Your pretty-printer will
read a Scheme program from standard input, parse it, and print it back out onto standard output. The output
program will be indented in a uniform style. (It won't really be all that pretty.) You should use an object oriented
programming style using inheritance and virtual functions where appropriate.
Structure of the Pretty-Printer
Like any tool that processes text, the pretty-printer needs to parse the input first and store it in an internal
data structure, before it can print it in some indented style. The pretty-printer consists of the following parts:
1. a lexical analyzer that splits the input text into tokens,
2. a recursive-descent parser that analyses the structure of the input program and builds a parse tree,
3. a parse-tree traversal that pretty-prints the input program.
Lexical Analysis
In lexical analysis, the input file is broken into individual words or symbols. These words or symbols are
then represented as tokens and passed to the parser. Your lexical analyzer needs to read ASCII characters
from standard input and do the following:
1. discard white space (space, tab, newline, carriage-return, and form-feed characters),
2. discard comments (everything from a semicolon to the end of the line),
3. recognize quotes, dots, and open and closing parentheses,
4. recognize the Boolean constants #t and #f,
5. recognize integer constants (for simplicity only decimal digits without a sign),
6. recognize string constants (anything between double quotes),
7. recognize identifiers.
For the precise definition of identifiers, see the Revised5 Scheme Report and follow that specification:
• https://people.csail.mit.edu/jaffer/r5rs_4.html
• https://people.csail.mit.edu/jaffer/r5rs_9.html
Scheme does not distinguish between uppercase and lowercase characters in identifiers. It is, therefore,
easiest for later parts of the pretty printer or the interpreter to convert all letters to lowercase.
The typical structure of a lexical analyzer is to write a function getNextToken(), that reads a character
at a time from the input and returns the next token that it finds. Use a program structure like this (in
C++ syntax):
enum TokenType {
class Token {
TokenType tt;
// ...
class IntToken : public Token {
int intVal;
// ...
class StrToken : public Token {
char * strVal;
// ...
class IdentToken : public Token {
char * name;
// ...
class Scanner {
Token * getNextToken ();
// ...
If a special character or a boolean constant is recognized in the input, the method getNextToken()
returns an object of class Token with the appropriate token type set. If an integer constant, string constant,
or identifier is recognized, the method getNextToken() returns an object of class IntToken,
StrToken, and IdentToken, respectively. These tokens contain the integer value, string value, and the
name of an identifier, respectively, so that the values are available to the printing routine.
The parser gets tokens from the scanner and analyzes the syntactic structure of the token stream. Since
Scheme has a very simple grammar, parsing using a recursive-descent parser is not difficult.
The subset of Scheme that we will be working with for testing and for the interpreter in Project 2 is
defined by the following grammar:
exp -> ()
| #f
| #t
| ' exp
| integer_constant
| string_constant
| identifier
| ( list )
list -> quote exp
| lambda ( [ parm ] ) exp+
| lambda identifier exp+
| begin exp+
| if exp exp [ exp ]
| let ( bind* ) exp+
| cond case+
| define def
| set! identifier exp
| exp+ [ . exp ]
case -> ( test exp* )
test -> else
| exp
bind -> ( identifier exp )
def -> identifier exp
| ( parm ) exp+
parm -> identifier+ [ . identifier ]
For details of the syntax of Scheme and the meaning of these constructs, you can refer to the Revised5
Scheme Report,
• https://people.csail.mit.edu/jaffer/r5rs_9.html
but just for parsing, you don't need to worry about the meaning of these constructs yet.
Since Scheme allows constructing code as data, we need to make the parser more general so that it
doesn't complain about incorrect code inside a list. We therefore need two parsing steps. The recursive
descent parser for Project 1 will only need to recognize the much simpler language
exp -> ( rest
| #f
| #t
| ' exp
| integer_constant
| string_constant
| identifier
rest -> )
| exp+ [ . exp ] )
and then build a parse tree. The second parse step, were we check the detailed syntax of the special forms
will happen in the form of error checks in the interpreter we'll write for Project 2.
When the main program requests an expression to be parsed, the parser needs to make parsing decisions
without lookahead. This grammar is designed so you can easily build a recursive descent parser without
lookahead. Inside the parser, for parsing rest, you will need a token of lookahead to make parsing decisions.
For the recursive descent parser, define a class Parser as follows:
class Parser {
Parser (Scanner *);
Node * parseExp ();
// ...
where Node is the root of the parse tree node class hierarchy.
The pretty printer is simple enough that you could print the input program to the output during parsing,
i.e., without constructing a parse tree. However, we will extend the pretty-printer into an interpreter in
Project 2. For the interpreter we will need the parse tree. These parse trees will be our internal list representation.
We will later use the pretty-printer in the interpreter as our printing routine for printing the result of
interpreting an expression (which will be a parse tree again).
Parse Tree
For Scheme, the parse trees are really just regular Scheme lists. However, since we are not programming in
Scheme, we need to implement the list data structure. The typical way to implement such a data structure in
an object-oriented language is as a class hierarchy:
class Node { ... };
class Ident : public Node { ... };
class BoolLit : public Node { ... };
class IntLit : public Node { ... };
class StrLit : public Node { ... };
class Nil : public Node { ... };
class Cons : public Node { ... };
where the class Node is an abstract class.
Build your parse tree such that only a single object of class Nil and only two objects of class BoolLit
get created. E.g., multiple occurrences of Nil should be pointers pointing to the same object. This will
simplify the implementation of some of the built-in functions in Project 2.
To make the code for cons-cells more modular and more object-oriented, we will further specialize the
data structure by factoring out the printing code (and later the evaluation code) that is specific to a special
form. This results in the following class hierarchy:
class Special { ... };
class Quote : public Special { ... };
class Lambda : public Special { ... };
class Begin : public Special { ... };
class If : public Special { ... };
class Let : public Special { ... };
class Cond : public Special { ... };
class Define : public Special { ... };
class Set : public Special { ... };
class Regular : public Special { ... };
A cons cell (an object of class Cons) will then contain an object of class Special. When constructing
a cons cell, the constructor of class Cons will parse the list, build an object of the appropriate subclass of
Special, and keep a pointer to that object in the cons cell.
Any code that is in common between all special forms can be kept in class Special. Any code for
regular function applications or lists as data structures will be in class Regular.
These data structures are designed using the following Design Patterns. The Node class hierarchy is an
instance of the Interpreter Pattern. The classes Nil and BoolLit are instances of the Singleton Pattern.
And the Special hierarchy is an instance of the Strategy Pattern. In a production-quality interpreter, we
would further implement class Ident using the Flyweight Pattern and the print() methods using the
Visitor Pattern, but for our purposes that would add too much complexity. The printing code for the Token
data structure is not implemented in an object-oriented style to get you started faster.
Pretty Printing
Print the output according to the following rules:
• constants and identifiers are printed directly,
• Cons expressions that are not special forms (i.e., regular lists) as well as set! special forms are
printed in the style:
(+ 2 3)
(set! x (+ 2 3))
The elements of a list are separated by a single space.
• a quoted expression is printed with a quote character followed by the printed representation of its
argument, e.g., 'x or
'(1 2 3)
Quoted special forms are printed as regular lists.
• the special forms begin, let, and cond are printed with the keyword immediately following the
left parenthesis and with subsequent lines indented by four spaces each, e.g.,
(set! x 6)
(set! y 7)
(* x y)
Subexpressions of special forms, are printed as regular lists.
• the special forms if, define, and lambda are printed with the first two list elements on the same
line and subsequent lines indented by four spaces each:
(define (fac n)
(if (= n 0)
(* n (fac (- n 1)))
Ok, this printing style isn't exactly pretty, but it's reasonably easy to generate. A better pretty-printer
would get a lot more complicated.
The object-oriented style of structuring the pretty-printing code is to include a virtual method print()
in each class of the parse tree node hierarchy as well as in each class of the Special hierarchy. I suggest
you pass the current position on the output line as argument to print(). Also, for printing lists, you will
need a boolean parameter indicating whether the opening parenthesis has been printed already or not.
For any expressions for which more than one of the above printing rules applies, the printing style is
undefined. This means you can decide how to format it. 

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C/C++ Programming: You will implement a pretty-printer for scheme
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